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Online Video Therapy

As the pandemic escalates, isolation with our partners and families drags on, and the losses in our work lives, social connections, and our plans and hopes accumulate, many of us are struggling with how to navigate all the ongoing uncertainty.

We all work on self-care, emotional self-regulation, cooking fatigue, maintaining relationships with friends and extended family; yet somehow the biggest challenges tend to surface in our intimate, personal relationships. And for many of us, the usual stresses of our lives were tempered by get togethers with friends, working out at the gym, restaurant meals, movies and plays and concerts, spiritual community, and whatever was rejuvenating for us individually.

We all miss the face-to-face sessions in the therapy office with our individual and couple clients. Somehow we've found the virtual sessions on our confidential, secure and stable practice management platform are a rather close second. Our clients often report that the video therapy is about 90 to 95 percent as satisfying as in-office sessions, with the added benefit of no traffic and no commute time that can take it over 100 percent. Many plan to stay with video therapy even after we're able to be back in the office.

We are able to work effectively with the range of issues and situations that challenge our clients: financial stresses in the relationship, feeling overwhelmed by forced togetherness, differences in parenting approaches, kids schooling at home and missing out on so much, the escalation of conflicts and differing conflict styles, trust and infidelity disruption and the threat to the relationship, fear of illness and the limits on social and family contact. We are helping our clients cope with an increase in addictive behaviors, their own or a partner's, mood instability, and persistent and sometimes overwhelming anxiety,

We're able to experiment with therapeutic techniques, customize interventions, and send therapy tools electronically, and bring a sense of presence and aliveness to the onscreen experience.

We'd love to introduce you to the possibilities of online couples therapy with one of our seasoned, capable and compassionate therapists and answer any questions you may have.

Please feel warmly invited to request a complimentary fifteen minute consultation with our clinical director, Trish Stanley, PsyD, LMFT, by clicking the link here.

We're pleased to share some of the feedback we're receiving from our clients:

“It’s a relief to be able to talk freely about what I’m going through.”

“The video sessions are 95% as satisfying as being in person in the office, and without the traffic.”

“Discovering some tools and strategies that are easy to implement is really helping right now.”

To schedule your complimentary 15 minute consultation please click here.

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